Legal Mentions & gcs
for the SDRM website

Legal Mentions

  • Site published by:
    SDRM (Society for the management of the Mechanical Reproduction Rights of Authors, Composers & Publishers)
    Non-trading company with a capital of €61, registered with the Trade Registry (Registre du Commerce & des Sociétés) of Nanterre under number 775 675 721
  • Headquarters:
    225, Avenue Charles de Gaulle
    92528 - Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex (France)
    Tel: +33 (0)147 154 715
  • Editorial Director:
    Cécile Rap-Veber (CEO)
    225, Avenue Charles de Gaulle
    92528 - Neuilly-sur-Seine (France)
  • Host:
    SIGMA Informatique
    3 rue Newton
    BP 4127
    44241 La Chapelle-sur-Erdre (France)

Photo Credits

Getty Images, Sacem



The SDRM (Society for the Administration of Mechanical Reproduction Rights) is a collective management body subject to a strict legal framework as provided for by Articles L. 321-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code (hereafter 'IPC'). In keeping with these regulations, the SDRM has implemented its own rules of transparency, ethics and good governance.

The SDRM is a not-for-profit organisation, in the form of a non-commercial partnership, whose main mission is to identify and collect mechanical reproduction rights for its members.

This website was designed to provide the SDRM's clients with services to facilitate the collection of mechanical reproduction rights and to provide public information about these reproduction rights. You hereby agree to use this website in compliance with current regulations, public policy, and accepted moral standards, and to comply with the current terms and conditions of use and any other specific conditions as stipulated on some of the website's other pages (in the customer's account).

Please read them and, as they are likely to be updated frequently, review them regularly. If you continue to use the site after any changes have been posted, the website's terms and conditions of use will be those applicable at the time that you access the site.

The SDRM is committed to the protection of your personal data. Please read its Privacy and Cookies Policy for more information.


All content (text, sound, image, software, logo, etc.) published on the SDRM website is protected by the provisions of French law and international conventions relating to intellectual property.

Subject to the provisions of Articles L. 122-5, L. 211-3 and L. 342-3 of the IPC (Intellectual Property Code), as well as the various terms and conditions of use determined by open source licences, when the contents are identified as falling within the scope of such licenses, any reproduction and/or distribution to the general public, of all or part of this content, is subject to prior approval being granted.

Moreover, any reproduction and/or unauthorised publication of the brands and logos on this site constitutes an infringement and the perpetrator will be liable for criminal penalties, in particular those provided under Articles L. 335-2 and L. 343 -1 of the IPC.

Any databases that may be used by the website are protected by the provisions covering the legal protection of databases. The unauthorised reuse, duplication or extraction of data could lead to legal action being taken against you.


2.1 Hypertext links to the SDRM website

Any hypertext link pointing to the SDRM website shall be the sole responsibility of the person who created the link and cannot engage the responsibility of SDRM, which reserves the right to request the removal of these links, especially when the site hosting the link violates copyright or imputes the reputation of SDRM.

2.2 Hypertext links pointing from the SDRM website to other sites

The website contains hypertext links to other sites that are not under the control of SDRM. These websites and their content may be modified, updated or deleted at any time by the publishers of these sites, for which they have sole responsibility. The SDRM cannot be held responsible for any content, advertising, products or services provided by external sites or sources accessed by means of hypertext links from itswebsite.


The information published on the SDRM's website comes from reputable sources. However, the SDRM cannot guarantee that this information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You are solely responsible for using the information available on this site in a proper manner, using your own judgement and common sense.

The SDRM is free to modify the contents of the site at any time and without notice.

The SDRM cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the website or the total or partial unavailability of the site, due to maintenance operations or technical problems of any kind.

Furthermore, the information or documents submitted using the forms on the SDRM website, of which you should always keep a copy, must not contain any content constituting a criminal offence, which would be contrary to public policy or accepted moral standards, or infringe intellectual property rights or the rights of the individual.

You must also refrain from sending any unsolicited advertising or promotional material (spamming) and any content infected with computer viruses.